Welcome to the manufacturing and construction enterprise Fortresa - Korisha Prizren


Fortesa services

Beside concrete elements products, Fortesa offers you and different kinds of services, and we have presented those services in this page and other sub pages in this section

Low construction


Fortesa enterprise offers a construction services of a high quality. As a result of works in some places in Kosovo, there is request for more such construction from new clients in our country.

So well combined of a high quality products, produced by Fortesa, and high quality services offered by our enterprise is always growing a list of clients who are interested in our services.

Fortesa enterprise construct different roads with concrete stones, also a parking areas, walking areas, and many other public and private environments, with different materials.

Also Fortesa enterprise is licensed for different public and industrial objects  including roads, highways, airports, sport and training areas, especially low construction fields.

Our enterprise have a high qualified staff for all those mentioned services, and for more information, you can refer us using a contact page.

See construction images

Fortesa enterprise, except production and construction, also offers transportation services of construction materials, produced by itself, into different construction areas or clients, thru many transportation trucks that Fortesa owns.

Fortesa enterprise also possess its own up loaders of different capacities,which make upload and download of materials more easy and faster, but also many of our trucks have their upload-download mechanism already integrated to be able to work everywhere.

Fortesa enterprise offers transportation services of its own construction materials all over the country, with its own transportation vehicles that are always in clients service.

Fortesa enterprise also have its own drivers for all vehicles category, also poses a large number of transportation trucks with different loading capacity, and also different small and large upload-download vehicles, making this way a fast and easy transportation service.

See transport images


At the petrol center Fortesa you also may find different accessories for your vehicles, like oil, cleaners, filters, etc, to make your drive safer and more comfortable.To the petrol center Fortesa you may find may kind of fuels for your fuel, such normal, diesel, eko diesel, also engine oil of a high quality from best world producers and many other following accessories for your car.

Fortesa enterprise guarantees you for its fuel and oils quality, because we always take care that our costumer is satisfied with services and products offered by our enterprise

See petrol images

Product catalogue
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About us

Concrete elements production enterprise ‘Fortesa’ is located in Korisha, which is Prizren area of Kosovo and its one of the early operating enterprises producing many different concrete elements

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We produce high quality concrete elements. Here you may see all of our products

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